Thursday, February 18, 2021

Graduate Student Receives the 2021 Social Personality and Health Network award for Most Outstanding Dissertation

Headshot of Chloe Huelsnitz
Congratulations to Chloe Huelsnitz for receiving the 2021 Social Personality and Health Network (SPHN) award for Most Outstanding Dissertation titled “Effects of Type of Social Control Strategy and Perceived Agent Motivations on Eating and Relational Behavior in Romantic Relationships Over Time.” Specifically, Huelsnitz’s research addresses how the strategies one partner uses to try to improve the other’s eating habits elicit relational and eating responses over time. Chloe was advised by Jeff Simpson and Alex Rothman.

The SPHN Outstanding Dissertation award is given to an individual whose dissertation makes significant contributions to the scientific study of social and personality psychology, specifically in health contexts. An award-winning dissertation is well written and publishable in a top journal. These dissertations ask important questions, display systematic methods, and theoretical rationale.

Composed by Flora Pollack, communications assistant.