Thursday, November 12, 2020

New National Mentorship Program Seeks to Break Down Barriers in The Field of Psychology

Headshot of Kate Carosella
Kate Carosella
, a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota, alongside Meriah DeJoesph, a graduate student in the Institute of Child Development (ICD), is gearing up for the kickoff of The Next-Gen Psych Scholars Program they worked to co-start. A Minnesota Daily article titled, “National mentorship program aims to diversify psychology fields,” shares that the program, beginning on November 14th, is a national mentorship for underrepresented undergraduate students interested in studying psychology at the graduate level.

Through a $1,000 award from the 2020 Tri-Psych Graduate Student Diversity Fund, the mentorship aims to help undergraduates prepare for graduate school through online informational sessions and small group workshops. So far, there have been over 250 mentees and 75 mentors across the country who have signed up.

Composed by Flora Pollack, communications assistant.