Thursday, September 24, 2020

Furman Quoted in BBC Worklife

Headshot of Celina Furman
The research of Celina Furman, graduate student in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota, is mentioned in a recent BBC Worklife article titled “The ‘Batman Effect’: How having an alter ego empowers you” 

The article examines the benefits of the 'Batman Effect', or self-distancing, which can include adopting an alter ego in order to boost confidence and determination or using the 3rd person perspective to reflect on options before making a decision. 

Furman’s same research also appears in a recent Association for Psychological Science article which discusses healthy eating. 

Furman is a fourth-year graduate student in the area of social psychology, advised by professor Alex Rothman and co-advisor Traci Mann

Composed by Flora Pollack, communications assistant.