During this time, the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota is finding new ways to allow students, faculty, and staff to return to a sense of normalcy. One important milestone for our graduate students is the final presentation of their dissertations to an audience. Many students invite family and friends to these presentations and we wanted to ensure that this practice continued uninterrupted!
With the work of the Graduate Studies team, Patricia Frazier (DGS) and Rachel Goeller (ADGS), we were able to find a way to host these events through Zoom. Using Zoom, guests can enter a virtual waiting room until the presenter is ready and a guest moderator can prevent Zoom Bombers.
The success of this plan has been demonstrated by Christopher Hunt and Doug Addleman, both of whom have presented their dissertations in the last two weeks. Congratulations, Chris and Doug!
We are proud of our students, staff, and faculty for making this new process work in these difficult times.