Traci Mann, PhD professor in social psychology and director of the Health and Eating Laboratory, was quoted in a recent article by the Washington Post.
The article, “‘Veganuary’ wants to be your new food resolution for 2020 — and beyond,” dives into a common trend of 30-day challenges, usually in January as part of New Year’s Resolutions. ‘Veganuary’ is a newer program designed to encourage people to go vegan. The project’s US director, Wendy Matthews, hopes that some of the participants will continue beyond a January challenge.
Mann, who argues against dieting and is cautious of month-long challenges regarding food, expresses fewer concerns about this opportunity. She says, “You can keep up a vegan lifestyle if you allow for a normal amount of calories. As long as you are non-restricting, it could be a great idea.”
This piece has been picked up by the San Francisco Chronicle.