Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Diversity in Psychology Program

Another successful Diversity in Psychology Program was held from Wednesday, October 9th to Friday, October 11th, 2019. This program is designed for individuals who are historically underrepresented in psychology graduate programs and who are interested in learning about graduate education in Psychology at the University of Minnesota.

We were thrilled to host participants from across the United States. From California to Texas to Connecticut and so many places in between, including students from right here in Minnesota! All were interested in pursuing graduate education in one of our three sponsoring departments: the Institute of Child Development, the Department of Educational Psychology or the Department of Psychology.

Over the course of the three-day program participants spent time with our graduate students and faculty. There were informal events, like our graduate student poster session and open house, as well as more formal presentations from our faculty about the admissions process and essay writing. Participants let us know they felt this was a fantastic program that was extremely helpful and informative.

One part of the event that is always particularly impactful is our panel of faculty who are themselves from underrepresented backgrounds. We are so thankful that they were willing to share their own journeys from undergraduate to graduate to faculty members. Thank you so much to Dr. Richard Lee, Dr. Keisha Varma, Dr. Richard Douglass, Dr. Scott Vrieze, and Dr. Melissa Koenig.

This is a fantastic program, that is in its fifth year. All three departments put a lot of effort, time and resources into this event. We are already looking forward to the sixth annual Diversity in Psychology Program in 2020!